School Rumble
School Rumble is a romantic
shōnen comedy revolving
around the daily lives of the students of Class 2-C at the fictional
Yagami High School, as well as their friends and families. The main
protagonist is
Tenma Tsukamoto, an unremarkable second-year high school student
[1] who secretly admires her eccentric, enigmatic, nice-guy classmate,
Oji Karasuma.
Tenma struggles to confess her feelings to Oji. He remains oblivious to
her interest, instead seeking fulfillment by indulging in
curry. The main male protagonist,
delinquent Kenji Harima, similarly yearns for Tenma, attending school solely to be near her.
Like Tenma, Harima has difficulty declaring his love, and whenever he
summons the courage to do so, circumstances conspire against him.
Harima complicates the
love triangle
through constant bumbling, and misunderstandings among the students
aggravate the situation. Harima becomes involved with Tenma's close
Eri Sawachika,
after the pair are thrown together in mutually embarrassing situations.
Later in the series, he develops a friendship with Tenma's younger
Yakumo Tsukamoto,
who becomes Harima's assistant on a manga he writes. The plots of
Harima's stories portray a Harima-like hero fighting to save a
Tenma-like damsel in various historical or fantastical situations,
usually in battle against an obvious facsimile of Karasuma. After the
hero saves the heroine, she always falls in love with him. Yakumo's
relationship with Harima causes problems with Class 2-C's student
Haruki Hanai, who has a crush on Yakumo, with the sisters' shared
surname causing Harima and Hanai to misinterpret the object of each others' respective infatuations.
[n 2]
Although Harima manages to engineer romantic encounters with Tenma, her
relationship with Karasuma nevertheless progresses, and Harima's bonds
with Eri and Yakumo grow stronger. Eventually Tenma musters the courage
to confess her love, but shortly after Karasuma loses his memory. His
amnesia gives a purpose to Tenma's life; she concentrates on her studies
to become a doctor and help Karasuma.
School Rumble focuses on Harima and Tenma, the series explores a number of supporting characters. These include Tenma's friends
Mikoto Suo, who runs a
kenpo dojo where her childhood friend, Hanai, trains, and
Akira Takano,
a mysterious and uncannily perceptive girl. As the story progresses,
more major characters are introduced into the relationship web.
School Rumble Z ends with Class 2-C's graduation ceremony. At
this point most of the plot-lines are settled, but there is no clear
resolution for the main protagonists. Karasuma still suffers from memory
loss, and although Harima attends the ceremony with Eri, the status of
his relationship with Yakumo is uncertain.
you can wacth it for a mont and when you wacth season 1, 2, and 3 it feel like you have wacth it for like 1 year